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LRRK2 GTP binding inhibitor 68

Chemical Structure : LRRK2 GTP binding inhibitor 68

CAS No.: 947086-88-6

LRRK2 GTP binding inhibitor 68

Catalog No.: PC-49822Not For Human Use, Lab Use Only.

LRRK2 GTP binding inhibitor 68 is a potent, GTP binding inhibitor of LRRK2 with IC90 of 10 nM, inhibits LRRK2 GTP binding and kinase activities.

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Purity & Documentation Purity: >98% (HPLC) Select Batch:

    Biological Activity

    LRRK2 GTP binding inhibitor 68 is a potent, GTP binding inhibitor of LRRK2 with IC90 of 10 nM, inhibits LRRK2 GTP binding and kinase activities.
    LRRK2 GTP binding inhibitor 68 reduced LRRK2 autophosphorylation (kinase activity) at residue S2032 in HEK 293T cells expressing human G2019S-LRRK2.
    LRRK2 GTP binding inhibitor 68 aslo reduced mutant G2019S- and R1441C-LRRK2 binding GTP.
    LRRK2 GTP binding inhibitor 68 (5 and 10 nM) suppressed G2019S-LRRK2-induced neuronal degeneration in SH-SY5Y cells and mouse primary neurons.
    LRRK2 GTP binding inhibitor 68 (10 and 20 mg/kg, i.p.) attenuated LPS-induced LRRK2 upregulation and microglia activation in a mouse neuroinflammation model, reduced LRRK2 GTP binding and autophosphorylation in mouse brains.

    Physicochemical Properties

    M.Wt 334.39
    Formula C16H18N2O4S
    Appearance Solid
    CAS No.
    Solide Powder
    -20°C 12 Months; 4°C 6 Months
    In Solvent
    -80°C 6 Months; -20°C 6 Months

    10 mM in DMSO

    Chemical Name/SMILES



    1. Li T, et al. Hum Mol Genet. 2014; 23: 6212–22.

    2. Joseph M Thomas, et al. Front Aging Neurosci. 2017 Jan 10;8:337.

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