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Request The Product List ofGPR39 GPR39

Cat. No. Product Name Information


GPR39 agonist

GPR39 agonist Cpd1324 (TM-N1324) is a potent, selective, orally active GPR39 agonist, activats human GPR39 with high efficacy and potencies of 280 nM and 9 nM in the absence and presence of Zn2+, respectively.

GPR39 agonist 7

GPR39 agonist, Hedgehog inhibitor

GPR39 agonist 7 is a Hedgehog pathway inhibitor that has high cellular potency (EC50=20 nM) in the reporter gene assay, activates the orphan receptor GPR39 and potently reduces of Gli1 and Ptch1 mRNA levels.

GPR39 agonist 3

GPR39 agonist, Hedgehog inhibitor

GPR39 agonist 3 is a Hedgehog pathway inhibitor that has high cellular potency (EC50=5 nM) in the reporter gene assay, activates the orphan receptor GPR39 and potently reduces of Gli1 and Ptch1 mRNA levels.

TC-G 1008

GPR39 agonist

TC-G 1008 (TC-G-1008, GPR39-C3) is a potent, selective, orally bioavailable GPR39 agonist with EC50 of 0.4 and 0.8 nM for rat and human GPR39, respectively.


GPR39 antagonist

Z1780628919 is a small molecule ligand and antagonist of GRP39, inhibits TC-G-1008-induced inflammatory effects in HUVECs, significantly attenuates Ang II-induced hypertension in mice.

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