Cat. No. |
Product Name |
Information |
PC-22226 |
PIP4K2C/PIKfyve inhibitor
RMC-113 a potent small molecule dual inhibitor of lipid kinases PIP4K2C and PIKfyve with binding Kd of 370 nM and 46 nM respectively, potently suppresses the replication of multiple RNA viruses including SARS-CoV-2. |
PC-49344 |
PIKfyve inhibitor
SGC-PIKFYVE-1 is a potent, selective and cell-active chemical probe inhibitor of PIKfyve with IC50 of 4.0 nM in NanoBRET assays. |
PC-47004 |
PIKfyve inhibitor WX8
PIKfyve inhibitor
WX8 is a specific inhibitor of PIKfyve, induces accumulation of cytoplasmic vacuoles on osteosarcoma U2OS cells with EC50 of 10 nM. |
PC-47003 |
PIKfyve inhibitor
HZX-02-059 is a PIKfyve and tubulin dual-target inhibitor with high affinity for PIKfyve (Kd=10.4 nM), HZX-02-059 is a potent methuosis inducer, shows both in vitro and in vivo anti-tumor activity against TNBC. |
PC-47002 |
PIKfyve inhibitor
APY0201 is a potent, highly selective, ATP-competitive PIKfyve inhibitor with IC50 of 5.2 nM, displays broad anti-multiple myeloma activity with EC50 at nanomolar concentrations. |
PC-43409 |
PIKfyve inhibitor
YM-201636 is a potent, selective PIKfyve inhibitor with IC50 of 33 nM, does not inhibit type Iiγ/Iα PtdInsP kinases even at 10 uM (p110α IC50=3.3 uM). |
PC-61038 |
PIKfyve inhibitor
Vacuolin-1 is a potent PIKfyve inhibitor that inhibits autophagy by impairing lysosomal maturation, potently and reversibly inhibits autophagosome-lysosome fusion by activating RAB5A. |
PC-60992 |
PIKfyve inhibitor
AS2795440 is a potent, selective, oral PIKfyve inhibitor that selectively decreases c-Rel binding to gene promoters of IL-12p40 and IL-1β, regulates cytokine production through PIKfyve-c-Rel pathway ( IL-12p40 IC50=2 nM). |
PC-60991 |
PIKfyve inhibitor
AS2677131 is a novel potent, oral PIKfyve inhibitor that selectively decreases c-Rel binding to gene promoters of IL-12p40 and IL-1β, regulates cytokine production through PIKfyve-c-Rel pathway ( IL-12p40 IC50=4 nM). |
PC-60412 |
PIKfyve inhibitor
Apilimod (STA5326) is a potent IL-12/IL-23 inhibitor that down-regulates both IL-12 p35 and IL-12/IL-23 p40 at the transcriptional level, and inhibits the production of both IL-12 and IL-23 cytokines (IC50=2 nM), inhibits PIKfyve phosphotransferase activity (IC50=14 nM). |
PC-23927 |
PIKfyve inhibitor 40
PIKfyve inhibitor
PIKfyve inhibitor 40 is a potent, selective, second-generation inhibitor of PIKfyve with enzyme IC50 of 0.6 nM, and 0.35 nM in NanoBRET assays. |
PC-22798 |
PIKfyve/PIP5K1C inhibitor
UNI418 (UNI-418) is a potent, specific dual PIKfyve and PIP5K1C inhibitor with IC50 of 60.7 nM/60.1 nM for PIP5K1B/PIP5K1C, Kd of 0.78 nM for PIKfyve (100% inhibition at 1 uM), inhibits UNI418 inhibits SARS-CoV-2 infection of Vero cells with IC50 of 1.4 uM. |