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Request The Product List ofCathepsin Cathepsin

Cat. No. Product Name Information


Cathepsin S inhibitor

ASP1617 (ASP-1617) is a potent, highly specific and orally active cathepsin S (CatS) inhibitor with IC50 of 4.6 nM and 0.39 nM for human and mouse CatS, respectively.


Cathepsin S inhibitor

RO5461111 is a potent, highly specific and orally active cathepsin S (CatS) inhibitor with IC50 of 0.4 nM and 0.5 nM for human and mouse CatS respectively.


Cathepsin B inhibitor

CA-074 is a potent, specific and cell-permeable inhibitor of cathepsin B with Ki of 2-5 nM.


Cathepsin S inhibitor

VBY-825 is an reversible cathepsin inhibitor of cathepsins B, L, S and V.with Ki values of 130/250/250/330/2.3/4.7 nM (cathepsin S/L/ZV/Bhumanized-rabbit cathepsin K/cathepsin F).

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