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Request The Product List ofCathepsin Cathepsin

Cat. No. Product Name Information


Cathepsin K inhibitor

L-006235 (L-235, CRA-013783) is a potent, selective, orally bioavailable cathepsin K inhibitor with IC50 of 0.25 nM, displays >4,000-fold selectivity over cathepsins B, L and S.


Cathepsin S inhibitor

RO5459072 (Petesicatib, RG7625) is a potent, selective cathepsin S (Cat-S) inhibitor, inhibits human Cat-S with apparent IC50 of 0.1 nM and murine Cat-S of 0.3 nM.


CatC inhibitor

AZD7986 (INS-1007, Brensocatib) is a highly potent, reversible, and selective DPP1 (cathepsin C, CatC) inhibitor with enzyme and cell pIC50 of 8.4.


Cathepsin B inhibitor

Aloxistatin (E64d) is an irreversible, membrane-permeable inhibitor of lysosomal and cytosolic cysteine proteases with the ability to inhibit calpain activity in intact platelets.

Leupeptin hemisulfate

Proteases inhibitor

Leupeptin hemisulfate is a potent, reversible inhibitor of cysteine, serine, and threonine proteases, inhibits cathepsin B (Ki=6 nM), calpain (Ki=10 nM), trypsin (Ki=35 nM), plasmin (Ki=3.4 uM), and kallikrein (Ki=19 μM), and has no effect against chymotrypsin, elastase, renin, or pepsin.

CA-074 methyl ester

Cathepsin B inhibitor

CA-074 methyl ester is a potent, specific and cell-permeable inhibitor of cathepsin B with Ki of 2-5 nM.


Cathepsin K inhibitor

Odanacatib (MK-0822) is a potent, selective, reversible and orally active cathepsin K inhibitor with IC50 of 0.2 nM.


Cysteine proteases inhibitor

MG-101 (ALLN) is a potent inhibitor of cysteine proteases including calpain I (Ki= 190 nM), calpain II (Ki= 220 nM), cathepsin B (Ki= 150 nM) and cathepsin L (Ki= 500 pM).

CatL inhibitor 1

Cathepsin L inhibitor

CatL inhibitor 1 is a potent, selective inhibitor of cathepsin L (CatL) with pIC50 of 7.9, >10-fold selective over CatL2 and >100 fold over CatS/K/B.


CatC inhibitor

IcatC (IcatCXPZ-01) is a potent, cell-permeable dipeptidyl cyclopropyl nitrile inhibitor of cathepsin C (CatC, DPP1) with IC50 of 15 nM, selective over cathepsine H, K, L, S, NSPs and DPP4.


Cathepsin G inhibitor

JNJ-10311795 is a potent dual inhibitor of neutrophil cathepsin G (Ki=38 nM) and mast cell chymase (Ki=2.3 nM), exhibits noteworthy anti-inflammatory activity in rats for glycogen-induced peritonitis and LPS-induced airway inflammation.

Cathepsin G inhibitor KPA

Cathepsin G inhibitor

Cathepsin G inhibitor KPA is a potent, selective, reversible, competitive, non-peptide inhibitor of cathepsin G (CatG) with IC50 of 53 nM.

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