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Request The Product List ofProtein Arginine Deiminase (PAD) Protein Arginine Deiminase (PAD)

Cat. No. Product Name Information


pan-PAD inhibitor

ML325 (ML 325) is a potent, irreversible pan-protein arginine deiminase (PAD) inhibitor with IC50 of 70 nM, 200 nM 170 nM, and 240 nM for PAD1, 2, 3, and 4 in vitro respectively.

PAD4 inhibitor 24

PAD4 inhibitor

PAD4 inhibitor 24 is a highly potent PAD4 inhibitor kinact/KI value of 54,000±3,000, displays >10-fold selectivity for PAD4 over PAD3 and >50-fold over PAD1 and PAD2.

PAD1 inhibitor 1

PAD1 inhibitor

PAD1 inhibitor 1 is a potent selective Protein Arginine Deiminase 1 (PAD1) inhibitor with IC50 of 18 uM for RFA labelling of PAD1 inhibition, kinact/KI value of 10,400 ± 2,380 M-1min-1.


pan-PAD inhibitor

BB-Cl-Amidine a peptidylarginine deminase (PAD) inhibitor, irreversibly inactivates all four PAD subtypes (kinact/KI=16,100, 4,100, 6,800, and 13,300 M-1min-1 for PAD1-4, respectively).

PAD2 inhibitor 30a

PAD2 inhibitor

PAD2 inhibitor 30a (AFM30a) is a potent, selective protein arginine deiminase 2 (PAD2) inhibitor with IC50 of EC50 of 9.5 uM in target engagement assays in HEK293/PAD2 cells.

PAD2 inhibitor 32a

PAD2 inhibitor

PAD2 inhibitor 32a (AFM32a) is a potent, selective protein arginine deiminase 2 (PAD2) inhibitor with IC50 of EC50 of 8.3 uM in target engagement assays in HEK293/PAD2 cells.


PAD4 inhibitor

JBI-589 (JBI589) is potent, selective, orally active PAD4 small molecule inhibitor, reduces CXCR2 expression and blocks neutrophil chemotaxis.

GSK121 trifluoroacetate

PAD4 inhibitor

GSK121 TFA salt is a small molecule inhibitor of potein arginine deiminase 4 (PAD4) with IC50 of 3.2 uM.


PAD4 inhibitor

BMS-P5 is a potent, specific inhibitor of peptidylarginine deiminase 4 (PAD4) with IC50 of 98 nM.


PAD inhibitor

YW3-56 is a potent peptidylarginine deiminase (PAD) inhibitor with inhibitory activity against PAD2 (IC50=0.5-1 uM) and PAD4 (IC50=1-2 uM), inhibits U2OS cancer cell growth with IC50 of 2.5 uM.


PAD4 inhibitor

Thr-Asp-F-amidine (TDFA) is a highly potent, selective PAD4 (protein arginine deiminase 4) inhibitor with IC50 of 2.3 uM, displays ≥15-fold selectivity for PAD4 versus PAD1 and ≥50-fold versus PADs 2 and 3.

GSK-199 hydrochloride

PAD4 inhibitor

GSK-199 hydrochloride is a potent, highly selective and reversible protein arginine deiminase PAD4 inhibitor with IC50 of 250 nM in FP binding assay (0.2 mM Ca), 200 nM in PAD4 NH3 release inhibition assay.

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