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Request The Product List ofDNA/RNA Synthesis DNA/RNA Synthesis

Cat. No. Product Name Information

Saframycin A

Saframycin A is a heterocyclic quinone antibiotic that inhibits RNA synthesis in vivo and in vitro.

Bleomycin sulfate

An anticancer agent that acts by induction of DNA strand breaks.


Ribonucleotide reductase inhibitor

COH29 is a small-molecule inhibitor of ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) that binds to RRM2, interfering with RRM1-RRM2 interactions with IC50 of 16 uM.

Beaucage reagent

A potent DNA cleavage agent.

Actinomycin D

Transcription inhibitor

Actinomycin D is a chemotherapy agent that has the ability to inhibit transcription, binds to DNA at the transcription initiation complex and preventing elongation of RNA chain by RNA polymerase, inhibits DNA repair with IC50 of 0.42 uM.

DNA ligase inhibitor L67

DNA ligase inhibitor

DNA ligase inhibitor L67 is a competitive DNA ligase inhibitor, effectively inhibits DNA ligases I/III with IC50 of 10 uM for both.


GARS1 inhibitor

Fraisinib is a specific and effective inhibitor of glycyl-tRNA synthetase 1 (GARS1), suppresses the synthesis of Ap4A by GARS1 and displays strong anti-tumoral potential.


Ribosome biogenesis inhibitor

RBI2 (Ribosome biogenesis inhibitor 2) is a small molecule inhibitor of ribosome biogenesis inhibitor, potently inhibits pre-rRNA levels in A375 with IC50 of 169 nM.

DNA polymerase theta inhibitor

POLθ inhibitor

DNA polymerase theta inhibitor (POLθi) is a small-molecule DNA polymerase theta (POLθ) inhibitor, binds to an allosteric pocket in the thumb subdomain of POLθ, inhibits its polymerase activity.

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