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Request The Product List ofPKC PKC

Cat. No. Product Name Information


PKC inhibitor, Apoptosis inducer

Staurosporine (STS) is a potent, ATP-competitive and non-selective inhibitor of protein kinases with IC50s of 6 nM, 15 nM, 2 nM, and 3 nM for PKC, PKA, c-Fgr, and Phosphorylase kinase respectively.


PKCβ inhibitor

Ruboxistaurin (LY333531) is a potent, selective, ATP-competitive, orally available PKC beta (PKCβ) inhibitor with IC50 of 4.7 and 5.9 nM for PKCβ I and PKCβ II, respectively.

Ro 31-8220 mesylate

PKC inhibitor

Ro 31-8220 mesylate (Bisindolylmaleimide IX) is a potent pan-PKC inhibitor with IC50 of 5, 24, 14, 27, 24 and 23 nM for PKCα, PKCβI, PKCβII, PKCγ, PKCε and rat brain PKC, respectively.

Ro 31-8220

PKC inhibitor

Ro 31-8220 (Bisindolylmaleimide IX) is a potent pan-PKC inhibitor with IC50 of 5, 24, 14, 27, 24 and 23 nM for PKCα, PKCβI, PKCβII, PKCγ, PKCε and rat brain PKC, respectively.


PRK2 inhibitor

PS428 is a small molecule, allosteric inhibitor of protein kinase C-related kinase 2 (PKN2/PRK2), binds to the PIF-pocket of PRK2 and allosterically inhibits activated PRK2.


PKC epsilon inhibitor

CIDD-0072424 is a potent, selective inhibitor of protein kinase C epsilon (PKCε, PKC epsilon) with IC50 of 54 nM, high selectivity over other PKC isoforms.

Go 6983

PKC inhibitor

Go 6983 is a potent, pan-PKC inhibitor with IC50 of 7 nM, 7 nM, 6 nM, 10 nM and 60 nM against PKCα, PKCβ, PKCγ, PKCδ and PKCζ, respectively.


A potent CDK1 inhibitor with IC50 of 17 nM.

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