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Request The Product List ofHDAC HDAC

Cat. No. Product Name Information


Class I /II HDAC inhibitor

KD5170 (KD-5170) is a potent mercaptoketone-based Class I and II-histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor with IC50 of 45 nM in HeLa cell-based histone H3 hyperacetylation assay.


CoreDAC inhibitor

TNG260 (TNG-260) is a potent, CoREST-selective deacetylase (CoreDAC) inhibitor, inhibits HDAC1 with 10-fold selectivity over HDAC3 in cells.

Purinostat mesylate

Class I /IIb HDAC inhibitor

Purinostat mesylate is a potent, highly selective class I and IIb HDAC inhibitor with IC50 of 0.81, 1.4, 1.7, and 3.8 nM for class I HDAC1, 2, 3, and 8, and 11.5, 1.1 nM for class IIb HDAC 6 and 10, respectively.


HDAC6 inhibitor.

NN-390 (NN390) is a potent, selective HDAC6 inhibitor with IC50 of 9.8 nM, >200-550-fold selectivity over other HDAC isoforms.

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