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Cat. No. Product Name Information


pan-Gq inhibitor

FR900359 is a plant-derived depsipeptide and specific pan-Gq (Gq/11/14) inhibitor, selectively inhibits Gq-dependent signalling, with little effect on Galphasbetagamma, Galphaibetagamma, or Galpha12/13betagamma heterotrimer activity.


HMGCS1 inhibitor

Hymeglusin is a fungal β-lactone antibiotic and HMG-CoA synthase 1 (HMGCS1) inhibitor with IC50 of 0.12 uM, suppresses the growth of AML cells and enhances their chemosensitivity.


Hepcidin inhibitor

DS28120313 is a potent orally active hepcidin production inhibitor with IC50 of 93 nM (hepcidin mRNA expression), shows serum hepcidin-lowering effects.

GFRα2/GFRα23 inhibitor 16

GFRα2/3 inhibitor

GFRα2/GFRα23 inhibitor 16 is a selective small moelcule inhibitor of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored co-receptor GFRa2/GFRa3 with IC50 of 0.1/0.2 uM respectively, selective over RET.

Myeloperoxidase inhibitor RL6

Myeloperoxidase inhibitor

Myeloperoxidase inhibitor RL6 is a potent, reversible inhibitor of myeloperoxidase (MPO) and hypochlorous acid (HOCl) scavenger, inhibits neutrophil extracellular trap release (NETosis).


KISS1R agonist

TAK-683 is a potent and full KISS1R (metastin receptor) agonist and kisspeptin analogue with IC50 of 3 pM in radioimmunoassay.

TAK-683 acetate

KISS1R agonist

TAK-683 acetate is a potent and full KISS1R (metastin receptor) agonist and kisspeptin analogue with IC50 of 3 pM in radioimmunoassay.

TAK-448 acetate

KISS1R agonist

TAK-448 (MVT-602) acetate is a potent and full KISS1R (metastin receptor) agonist and kisspeptin analogue with IC50 of 3 pM in radioimmunoassay.


Ube3a unsilencer

(S)-PHA533533 is a potent, small molecule unsilencer of paternal UBE3A in mouse primary neurons with EC50 of 0.54 uM, Emax=80%, effectively downregulates Ube3a-ATS/UBE3A ATS and epigenetically unsilences paternal Ube3a/UBE3A in both mouse and human neuron.

Delphinidin chloride

Hyaluronidase inhibitor

Delphinidin chloride is a natural plant compound found in fruits and vegetables, a potent hyaluronidase inhibitor, increases high molecular weight hyaluronic acid (HMW-HA) and inhibits cancer metastasis.

GGTI-2154 hydrochloride

GGTase I inhibitor

GGTI-2154 hydrochloride is a potent, selective inhibitor geranylgeranyltransferase I (GGTase I) with IC50 f 21 nM, >250-fold selective over FTase.


GGTase I inhibitor

GGTI-2154 is a potent, selective inhibitor geranylgeranyltransferase I (GGTase I) with IC50 f 21 nM, >250-fold selective over FTase.

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