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Cat. No. Product Name Information


Pin1 degrader

158H9 is a potent Pin1 destabilizer and degrader with IC50 of 21.5 nM in DELFIA displacement assay, destabilizes Pin1 in vitro and also results more effective in causing Pin1 degradation in cells.


Pin1 inhibitor

BJP-07-017-3 is a potent, selective, covalent, cell-permeable peptide Pin1 inhibitor (Ki=15 nM), IC50 of 9 nM in DELFIA assays, covalently targets Cys113, a highly conserved cysteine located in the Pin1 active site.


Phagocytosis inhibitor

KB-151 is a small molecule phagocytosis inhibitor with IC50 of 2.7 uM in human PBMCs, shows no significant toxicity.


Phagocytosis inhibitor

KB-208 is a small molecule phagocytosis inhibitor with IC50 of 4.2 uM in human PBMCs, shows no significant toxicity.

NAC1 inhibitor NIC3

NAC1 inhibitor

NAC1 inhibitor NIC3 is a specific small molecule inhibitor of oncogenic nucleus accumbens-associated protein-1 (NAC1), inhibits NAC1 homodimerization, leading to proteasomal NAC1 degradation.

OGT 2115

Heparanase inhibitor

OGT 2115 is a potent, specific, cell-permeable and orally active heparanase inhibitor with IC50 of 0.4 uM, inhibits the expression and activity of heparanase.


Heterotrimeric Gα/Gβγ inhibitor

BIM-46174 is a selective inhibitor of heterotrimeric G-protein complex Gα/Gβγ subunits, abrogates cancer cell invasion controlled by several GPCR agonists.


Gαq/11 inhibitor

GQ262 is a small molecule Gαq/11 protein inhibitor with IC50 of <10 uM, inhibits MP41 cell proliferation with IC50 of 5.1 uM.


Gαq/11 inhibitor

GQ127 is a potent, selective Gαq/11 signaling pathway inhibitor with IC50 of 22.4 uM. GQ127 shows good efficacy and safety in inositol monophosphate (IP1) assay by directly inhibiting Gαq/11 proteins.


MASTL inhibitor

MASTL-IN-1 is a potent, selective inhibitor of microtubule-associated serine/threonine kinase-like (MASTL, Greatwall) with Ki of 4.4 nM, cellular pENSA IC50 of 23 nM.

MASTL inhibitor 16

MASTL inhibitor

MASTL inhibitor 16 is a potent, highly selective inhibitor of microtubule-associated serine/threonine kinase-like (MASTL, Greatwall) with Ki of 0.12 nM, cellular pENSA IC50 of 2.8 nM in MDA-MB-231 cells.

MASTL inhibitor 15

MASTL inhibitor

MASTL inhibitor 15 is a potent, highly selective inhibitor of microtubule-associated serine/threonine kinase-like (MASTL, Greatwall) with Ki of <0.03 nM, cellular pENSA IC50 of 1.1 nM in MDA-MB-231 cells.

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